Studia una lingua straniera con idiomi, frasi colloquiali per parlare con successo!
More Local Producers will need to bite the bullet on food safety
I've searched around in the different forums threads, but i can't make heads and tails of things at the moment
We tried and retried the defense line, but wheels came off during the game
As the deadline approaches both sides buckle down and do serious negotiating behind closed doors
Between 2000 and 2015, our attention spans shrank by a whopping 25%.
Jason started the project headlong, and suffered repercussions for his lack of planning
Sam had been under pressure for 1 year when he finally reached bursting point
Greenland ice sheet which could raise sea level by 7m ‘nears point of no return'
Burnout syndrome accounts for 8% of all occupational illness cases, according to a 2017 report